Table of Contents

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing

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  1. A Newcomer’s Guide to the Trade
    1. Introduction
    2. What Your Name Says About You
    3. What is Manufacturing?
    4. Free-lance Design
    5. Reality 101
    6. Licensing
    7. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid
    8. Small Service Provider Tips
    9. Weird Things that No One Ever Tells You
    10. How to Protect Your Work
  2. How to Plan A Line
    1. Manufacturing 101
    2. Numbers Are Your Friends
    3. Job Descriptions in the Industry
    4. What Are Blocks?
    5. Developing Product Concepts
    6. Do You Need a Pattern Maker?
    7. Determine Market Entry
    8. How to Hire a Pattern Maker
    9. Production Scheduling 101
    10. Troubleshooting Product Development
    11. Troubleshooting Concept Development
    12. Why You Need a Fit Model
    13. The Art of Ordering Fabrics
    14. Design Process Organization
    15. Go Broke Quick! (don’t read this)
    16. Allocation
    17. Design Process Tools
    18. Thirteen Best Business Sins
    19. What are Style Numbers?
  3. Market
    1. What is Quality…Really?
    2. Feed-Store Pete: A Retailer’s View
    3. A Boutique Owner Tells All
    4. Sales Policies: A DE’s View
    5. Sales Reps 101
    6. Market Samples, Permission to be Paranoid
    7. Contracts and Conditions
    8. Scout a Market (and the Competition)
    9. A Rep Rats on Reps
    10. Market Trends; What Consumers Want
  4. Production
    1. Product Costing; CM&T
    2. Industrial Sewing Theory
    3. Production Cutting; Making Markers
    4. How to Hire a Sewing Contractor
    5. How to Hire a Grading Service
    6. Troubleshooting Sewing Contractors
    7. Production Sewing 101
    8. Product Costing and Pricing
    9. Practice Sewing Organization
    10. Setting Up Shop
  5. Improving Product Quality
    1. How to Make Guides and Templates
    2. Fundamentals of Fitting: Torso
    3. Lining Drafts; Vests, Jackets and Sleeves
    4. A Practical Guide to Grading
    5. Textile Testing
    6. Production Pattern Making 101
    7. How to Test and Measure Shrinkage
    8. Advanced Guides and Templates
    9. Cutting a Pattern for Shrinkage
  6. Management and Trends
    1. Financing for Manufacturing
    2. How to Go Broke (Slowly)
    3. One Reason Corporations Succeed
    4. Theory of Manufacturing Management
    5. Why People Quit
    6. The Industry Model Won’t Work for You
    7. Troubleshooting Project Management
    8. The Big Dirty Secret
    9. How to Go Broke (Quickly)
    10. Why DEs are Destined to Succeed
  7. Resources
    1. Bibliography
    2. Market Show Contact Information
    3. References
    4. Index
    5. Glossary
    6. Test Your Knowledge
    7. Trade Suppliers, Magazines and Other Resources
    8. Small Business Survey
  8. Sample Forms, Charts, and Tables
    1. Define Your Target Customer
    2. Salesman-Manufacturer Sales Contract
    3. Production Schedule
    4. CM&T Worksheet
    5. Sketch Sheet
    6. Product Specifications Sheet
    7. Style Meeting Checklist
    8. Contractor Evaluation Form
    9. Direction Card
    10. Product Costing Sheet
    11. Input Control Form
    12. Basic Tool List
    13. Allocation Table
    14. Master Schedule Checklist
    15. Manufacturing Rules

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