Patternmaking for Professionals

© 1996-2015 Kathleen Fasanella
This instructional 2-disc DVD set and printed instruction guide is available now!
Patternmaking for Professionals – DVD and Video Orders
This video set has three sections.
The first section details tools, standards, and practices that are universal in the apparel industry. Included are marking standards, tool usage, and professional performance standards expected of industrial pattern makers.
The second section illustrates the basic concepts used in style development and includes slashing and spreading, pivoting, style line development and marking a match stripe. These concepts are illustrated via the drafting of 9 different styles which are illustrated start to finish.
The third section is more complex and illustrates the making of a fully-lined vest from a basic block in FULL SCALE. The first portion of the 3rd section illustrates how to “grow” a close-fitting bodice pattern block into a block pattern suitable for vests and similar over-garments. The second section illustrates style line development (converting bodice darts into seam lines), the making of a collar to fit the vest (upper collar and under the collar), and how to make a lining pattern for the vest. Lastly, instruction for making sewing and button guides is included which is an absolute requirement for production sewing methods.
Also included with the 2 DVD set is a printed guide that illustrates the styles used in the video, schematic pattern standards and full design details of the 10 different styles drafted on screen in the instructional series.
The price of the DVD is $51 ($45 plus $6.00 for priority mail with delivery confirmation.)
Phone Order
Please call (505) 877-1713 to place your order between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM MST Monday-Friday.
We accept Visa or MasterCard for credit card orders by phone.
Mail Orders
To pay with a personal check or money order, please make it payable to Apparel Technical Services, and mail it to:
PO Box 12323
Albuquerque, NM
If you’d like this instructional series on VHS video tape, please send your request via email or call Kathleen at (505) 877-1713 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM MST Monday-Friday.